International Association of Doctors and Healthcare Professionals in Slovakia
We are bringing inclusivity and humanity to healthcare
About 1,700 tons of medicines and MALnS equipment were sent to Ukraine
The National Military Medical Clinical Center "Main Military Clinical Hospital" in Kyiv, the I. I. Mechnikov Regional Clinical Hospital in Dnipro and the Kharkiv City Perinatal Center of Kharkiv have made official requests to MALnS. Hospitals will soon receive a list of necessary medications and medical equipment.

Humanitarian contributions from Austria

MALnS has enlisted the support of Austrian partners in receiving humanitarian aid.
Our representatives visited the Hub and shipped assistance in the form of food, essential goods and hygiene products. The partners also sent a medical tent for the first emergency care in the conditions of military operations.

Thank you for your help Suljic Nihad Lagerleiter.

Join our volunteer community

Information about current requests for humanitarian assistance

MALnS received computers for volunteer work

The computer equipment required for the urgent work of the volunteers was provided by our partners Webglobe and Tech Data Slovakia.

We have received 5 laptops and now we can perform urgent tasks in the office, directly in the warehouse and accompanied by humanitarian convoys.

Thank you!

Address assistance in Kharkiv (04.04.2022)
Acquaintance with a team of volunteers and address assistance in Kharkiv (10.04.2022)
Address assistance in Kharkiv | MALnS
The International Association of Physicians in Slovakia sent medicines to the city of Kharkiv. The medicine was given to people who are now at the epicentre of the shelling in the Saltovka district of the city.

Volunteers from the Preobrazhenia Gospodniogo Temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church met the humanitarian aid from MALnS on the spot and delivered targeted aid to the people in need.

1.5 tons of humanitarian aid arrived at the warehouse of the International Medical Association in Slovakia

A large delivery of medicines and equipment was received from partners in Slovenia. The list was compiled from direct lists ordered from Ukrainian hospitals. In the near future, the aid will be shipped to Ukraine and delivered to the following address.

Delivery of medicines from Austrian partners is also expected.

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Current needs
In Kharkiv they received humanitarian aid from MALnS (International Association of Physicians in Slovakia)

Purchasing medicine MALnS and sending humanitarian aid to the cities in Ukraine, that are currently under active threat, is one of the main priorities of this organization. Local volunteers delivered medications and humanitarian aid both to the Kharkiv city hospitals and to all those, who are in need.
Address assistance in Kharkiv | MALnS
Humanitarian aid to the Kharkiv hospital | MALnS


If you are willing to financially support the aid, you have the opportunity to make a donation to a nonprofit.

International Association of Physicians in Slovakia (MALnS):
IBAN: SK7283300000002102092005
Bank name: Fio banka, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky,
Bank address: Dunajská 1, 811 08 Bratislava