International Association of Doctors and Healthcare Professionals in Slovakia
We are bringing inclusivity and humanity to healthcare
The International Association of Physicians in Slovakia was officially registered in 2019, but the idea of its creation arose among the founders some time ago. The basic idea of the association is the effort to unite Slovak and foreign doctors under one roof to improve the disastrous state of Slovak healthcare. Those who live in Slovakia know the problem firsthand. Not only, that there is a serious shortage of specialists in public healthcare, resulting in long waiting times for an appointment with a doctor-specialist, but also the average age of doctors-specialists is more than 50 years. The Association does not consider its role as a simple determination of these problems, but above all, it wants and is able to offer some solutions.

The Association has an open structure. The managing body is composed of the Board of Association, led by its chairman, there is a sector of international cooperation, which has its director, the majority are members of the association, only individuals that have medical education (doctors) or legal entities whose activities are directly related to medicine may be subject to approval by the Board.

For people without medical education, who are also eager to participate in the activities of the association, and thus improve the situation in Slovak healthcare, it is possible to become supporters of the association.

As the International Association of Physicians in Slovakia has some knowledge, experience and resources, it can offer its members support and help in many ways, such as, for example, issues related to recognition of certificates and diplomas in Slovakia, preparation for additional special tests, finding employment in Slovakia, protection of professional interests, etc.
  • Mgr. Alona Kurotova, PhD.

  • Ing. Marian Neradny
    Executive Secretary of the Organisation
  • Jana Palencharova
    Board member
  • Oleh Verhulenko
    Board member,
    Managing Director of Med-Integro s.r.o.