2% of TAXES

International Association of Doctors and Healthcare Professionals in Slovakia
We are bringing inclusivity and humanity to healthcare
Dear members of our association, all who actively support us and just care about people!

Our Association has officially passed the process of registering a non-profit organization to collect charitable donations.

If you want to support us in our activities and help foreign doctors in Slovakia, then you can make your donation in one of the ways that are convenient for you, listed below.

A taxpayer in Slovakia (an employed employee, an individual entrepreneur or a company) can make a transfer of up to 3% of the taxes paid to charity.
An employee, employed in Slovakia, may apply for the transfer of 2% of the taxes paid in the past period to a non-profit organization before April 30 of the current year. Application is submitted to the local office of the tax inspectorate together with the confirmation of payment of taxes, which is provided by the employer.

Download the current form Vyhlásenie o poukázaní podielu zaplatenej dane.

Details of our Association to indicate in the application:
Name: Medzinárodná asociácia lekárov na Slovensku
Legal form: Združenie (zväz, spolok, spoločnosť, klub ai.)
Registration number (IČO): 52376923
Individual entrepreneur
An individual entrepreneur in Slovakia who submits a tax report for the past period may indicate directly in the tax report form in the appropriate section information about the transfer of 2% of the paid taxes to one of the non-profit organizations. An individual entrepreneur can also transfer 3% of the paid taxes if in the previous period he carried out volunteer activities for at least 40 hours. In this case, you must attach the appropriate confirmation to the tax report. An individual entrepreneur can transfer 2% (3%) of the paid tax to only one selected non-profit organization.
Legal entity in Slovakia
A legal entity in Slovakia that submits a tax return for the past period may indicate directly in the tax report form in the appropriate section information about the transfer of 1% of the paid taxes to one of the non-profit organizations. If a legal entity transfers an amount of 0.05% of its tax base to a charitable non-profit organization during the reporting period, then when filing a tax report for this reporting period, it can transfer 2% of the paid taxes to charity. A legal entity can transfer 2% of the taxes paid to several organizations, the transfer amount for each should be at least 8 euros.
Voluntary donation
As an individual, you can make a voluntary donation. This does not require any special documents, it is enough to indicate in the purpose of the payment that it is a donation (in Slovak, dar)

Bank details:
IBAN: SK7283300000002102092005
Názov banky: Fio banka, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky,
Adresa banky: Dunajská 1, 811 08 Bratislava
As a legal entity, you can also transfer a voluntary donation. In this case, you will already need to draw up a donation agreement, which we can provide to you on request. The donation itself can be attributed to the above-mentioned details.