Project Rehabilitation

International Association of Doctors and Healthcare Professionals in Slovakia
We are bringing inclusivity and humanity to healthcare
The author's unique rehabilitation program is a set of coordinated medical, physical, psychological, pedagogical, and social measures aimed at the fullest possible restoration of health, psychological, social, and moral status, and the ability to work of servicemen who have significantly deteriorated during military operations.

Implementation of comprehensive rehabilitation of military personnel participating in combat operations, veterans and persons affected by armed aggression, with a separation by the main types of rehabilitation and taking into account the "individual case".
MALnS is launching a collection in Slovakia for the rehabilitation of victims of the russian federation's aggression.

Details for charitable donations:

Medzinárodná asociácia lekárov a zdravotníkov na Slovensku
IČO: 52376923
DIČ: 2121445931
Sídlo: Panónska cesta 3604/17, Bratislava - mestská časť Petržalka, 85104, Slovenská republika
IBAN: SK72 8330 0000 0021 0214 9526
Mena účtu: EUR