International Association of Doctors and Healthcare Professionals in Slovakia
We are bringing inclusivity and humanity to healthcare
Since its inception, the International Association of Doctors and Health Professionals in Slovakia (MALnS) has made it its main goal to address the problems of the Slovak health sector through international cooperation, especially in the direction of Ukraine. We have always tried to act in a way that benefits both sides and have never taken the easy way out. This has also been the case today, when we have been working with extraordinary dedication for over a month, with the main aim of helping Ukraine and its people who are going through an ordeal.

Because we are a health-oriented organization, our help is also focused in this direction, where we make use of all the contacts (both of the Association itself and of its individual members) that we have in Ukraine. In addition to the main two areas, which are the supply of drugs and medicines and the provision of Ukrainian-speaking (Russian-speaking) doctors and medical staff where they are needed, also we are opening up a new area of support for Ukraine to help the most vulnerable, which today are sick children and orphans.
  • Initial state
    Thanks to our exceptional contacts in Ukraine, both at the governmental or official level and at the level of individual hospitals, orphanages, public organizations or individuals, more and more Ukrainian partners have begun to turn to us as a proven and reliable organization whose aim is to ensure that sick children (with or without parents) and orphans can safely leave and then stay outside of Ukraine.

    Obviously, this is the most vulnerable group of people who objectively cannot be adequately cared for in Ukraine. For this reason, we at MALnS have decided to use all our capacities, contacts and resources to organize the Dobro project presented.
  • The main target of the project
    The main objective of the project is to organize the safe evacuation of these groups of children from Ukraine and ensure their stay, including adequate medical care, in Slovakia and other EU countries.

    To achieve this goal, MALnS will cooperate with other organizations dealing with similar issues in Europe (preliminary cooperation with Austrian and Czech partners has already been agreed upon). In terms of proportional representation, we plan to target around 80% of the evacuated children to find a new home outside Slovakia, and around 20% of the children will be temporarily settled in Slovakia.

    To achieve this goal, we will use all our contacts and facilities on the Ukrainian side, where today there are hundreds of these same children waiting to be transferred out of Ukraine in the west, while thousands more are still in the critical east, often unable to move to safer regions.

    From this perspective, the priority is to release capacity in western Ukraine, which will be realized by MALnS in the form of evacuating these children to Europe, allowing for the transfer of children from the east, organized by official Ukrainian places.
    Subsequently, the whole process is repeated.

Phases of the project

in progress
in progress
Creation of lists of suitable candidates for evacuation, including a registration system.

  • orphanages,
  • hospitals,
  • volunteer organizations,
  • private individuals.
in progress
in progress
Evacuation centre
Establishment of an evacuation centre in Polyana (Zakarpattya), where children would gather in a safe area before their departure to prepare the necessary documents and medical examination.

  • National Scientific and Technical Association of Ukraine,
  • official state institutions,
  • regional and local self-government bodies.
in progress
in progress
Providing administrative and legal formalities before the departure.

  • official state institutions UA and SR.
in progress
in progress
Providing accommodation in the Slovak Republic or EU.

  • regional authorities,
  • foreign partners,
  • orphanages,
  • hospitals,
  • volunteer organizations,
  • private persons.
in progress
in progress
Border crossing security.

  • official UR and SR state institutions,
  • foreign partners.
in progress
in progress
Transfer to destination in the Slovak Republic or EU.

  • official UR and SR state institutions,
  • foreign partners.

Target groups and help them
with the details

  • Abandoned and sick children (orphans) MALnS will provide support
  • Sick children needing intensive or regular medical care, with their parents
  • Children arriving from war zones for short-term physical and psychological rehabilitation (2-4 weeks)
  • War orphans who have been handed over to families outside Ukraine for permanent residence or until the end of the military conflict and safe return is possible
Each of these groups requires a different type of care and security, whether in the case of relocation to Slovakia or to other European countries. It is also necessary to provide for each group partner specialised in assistance and care for this group and to take into account the different administrative and legal regimes for children with parents and orphans.