News | MALnS

Changes in laws – professional internship for foreign doctors

Yesterday, a package of government measures was approved in parliament, supplementing some laws in the context of the second wave of the pandemic. There is also an item on foreign medical workers (doctors, nurses and midwives) from third countries in the form of so-called temporary professional internships. Recently, in her blog, Alona Kurotova also wrote about the need for such a change. The article drew attention mainly to the nonsense of the validity of a temporary internship only during a crisis situation due to covid-19.

And so, we rejoice at this small change in art. III, seventh point: in §30a paragraph 6 the numeral ” 90 “is replaced by “180”. This means that the Parliament has decided to extend the period of temporary professional internship from 90 to 180 days.

Other important changes:
  • the temporary internship will now also be valid for nurses and midwives (previously only for doctors)
  • a certificate of non-criminal record when registering for an internship is replaced by a statement on your word of honour about the absence of a criminal record.


However, we believe that other changes should be made to the law, which we will continue to insist on in our communication with state structures. Namely, to expand the opportunity of internship for dentists and pharmacists, to expand the place of its implementation, including in outpatient clinics (currently, internship for foreign doctors is only possible in hospitals), and to operate it for at least a year and not be tied to the situation with the pandemic.

In the event that you have a recognized diploma (doctor, nurse or midwife) and you want to apply for a temporary internship – we will be happy to help you with this.

Please do the following:
  1. Sign up as a member of our Association
  2. Send your CV to the following email address
2021-03-26 01:50