News | MALnS

What is next after the medical exam?

Dear healthcare professionals,

Once again, we congratulate all the doctors and dentists who have successfully passed the qualification exam. Today we want to tell you about the next steps that will allow you to move to a professional career in the Slovak healthcare system.

In the coming days, all doctors who took part in the qualification exam in Martin from 12.10 to 16.10.2020 should receive a protocol from the Jessenius Medical Faculty in Martin (Comenius University) with the official results of the exam.

After that, doctors who have successfully passed the exam will need to:

Send an application to the Ministry of Education to obtain a decision on the recognition of qualifications (doklad o odbornej kvalifikácii).

To do this, you need to prepare:

  • A notarized copy of the protocol of the successful passing of the qualification exam received from the Jessenius Medical Faculty in Martin,
  • A notarised copy of the decision on recognition of the diploma (rozhodnutie o uznaní dokladu o vzdelaní)
  • An application in free form with a request for the issuance of a document on medical qualifications (upon request by e-mail we can provide you with a sample of such a request).

Address for sending the above documents:
Ministerstvo školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky,
Stredisko na uznávanie dokladov o vzdelaní, Stromová 1, 813 30 Bratislava.

The Ministry of Education will issue a document on recognition of qualifications within 30 days after receiving the application and documents.

After receiving the above document, you must register with the chamber of doctors or dentists:

The chamber of doctors (Slovenska lekárska komora) contacts:
The chamber of doctors or dentists (Slovenska komora zubných lekárov) contacts:

In order to carry out the medical practice, all medical workers, after passing the qualification exam, must also pass an examination on knowledge of the Slovak language at the Ministry of Health.

Now, in the context of a pandemic and during a crisis situation in Slovakia, the language exam has been suspended, it can be replaced with an affidavit about proficiency in the Slovak language. However, this exam will still need to be passed within 90 days after the crisis is over. You can download a sample affidavit from the link above.

However, although the passing of the language exam has been postponed now, the need to pass it remains unchanged. After all, a good knowledge of the language is an important component not only of successfully passing the exam but also of the professional activity of any doctor

Therefore, we consider it important to inform you that from 09.11.2020 at the language school iCan School, a course of classes in medical terminology will begin, which is the 2nd phase of language training for foreign medical workers. The course is designed for 10 weeks (2.5 months), with classes twice a week for two academic hours. The level of knowledge of the Slovak language required to participate in the course: A2.

Among the topics of the course are the features of collecting anamnesis, communication with the patient and his relatives, the social lexical features of medical personnel, and the specifics of working with medical records. That is why the course is suitable both for doctors who have just passed the exam and those who are preparing to take it in the spring of 2021.

To enrol in a course or get more information. Course cost: 299€. We remind you that for members of our Association there is a 10% discount on any courses for doctors at iCan School.